Dawn Redwood
Arnold Arboretum
Height: 70'-100'
Leaves: 4" compound leaves with leaflets of <1"
Location: Central and Western China
Bark: Deep vertical striations and large trunk
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Aesthetic Characteristics: Unique trunk shape and delicate, soft leaves give an interesting duality in appearance
Canopy Size: 25' spread of delicate, feathery canopy
Growth Rate: Rapid ~24" per year
Negative Traits: Litters small cones and requires ample space
Urban Condition Tolerance:
-acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained, wet and clay soils
-flooding and some drought
-air and soil pollution
-benefits wildlife, soil quality, and air quality
Value: Provides excellent shade and visual interest while reducing temperatures and improving soil quality
#overstory-tree #ornamental-tree #canopy-for-urban-heat-island