Singleseed Hawthorn

Crataegus monogyna

Singleseed Hawthorn
Arnold Arboretum
Height: 15'-20'
Leaves: Small, reddish brown three-lobed leaves
Location: Europe
Bark: Heavy vertical striations with redness and thorns
Hardiness Zone: 4-7
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Aesthetic Characteristics: Small leaves and cherries give visual appeal​​​​​​​
Canopy Size: 25' spread of dappled, flowering canopy
Growth Rate: Medium ~13-24" per year 
Negative Traits: Insects can be a problem due to fruit growth
Urban Condition Tolerance: 
         -acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained, wet and clay soils
         -some flooding and drought
         -air and soil pollution
         -provides wildlife nutrition
         -benefits wildlife, soil quality, and air quality
Value: Provides good shade and visual interest while reducing temperatures, providing wildlife benefit, and improving air quality
#overstory-tree #street-tree #fall-color #canopy-for-urban-heat-island 

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