Honey Locust

Gleditsia triacanthos

canopy view
canopy view
young bark
young bark
alternating nodes
alternating nodes
shadow dappling
shadow dappling
growth pattern
growth pattern
compound leaf
compound leaf
young tree
young tree
older bark
older bark
Honey Locust
Columbus Avenue and Southwest Corridor
Height: 60'-80'
Leaves: 4"-8", with bipinnate leaves of 1"
Location: Central United States
Bark: Striated with age
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Sun: Medium
Water: Medium
Aesthetic Characteristics: Bright yellow fall color, creates lovely shadows​​​​​​​
Canopy Size: 60-80' spread of dappled, delicate canopy
Growth Rate: Rapid ~24" per year 
Negative Traits: Some variants litter seed pods and thorns
Urban Condition Tolerance: 
         -acidic, alkaline, moist, dry and salty soils
         -flooding and drought
         -air and soil pollution
         -benefits wildlife, soil quality, and air quality
Value: Provides excellent shade and visual interest while reducing temperatures and improving soil quality
#overstory-tree #street-tree #fall-color #canopy-for-urban-heat-island

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