
Ginkgo biloba

young leaf growth and bud
young leaf growth and bud
canopy view
canopy view
growth pattern from stem
growth pattern from stem
branch view
branch view
trunk view
trunk view
bud growth
bud growth
Columbus Avenue 
Height: 50'-80'
Leaves: Distinct fan shaped leaves with vibrant blue green color
Location: Southern China
Bark: Deep striations with age
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Aesthetic Characteristics: Unique leaf shape and color gives distinctive look and shade​​​​​​​
Canopy Size: 25-35' spread of thick, light colored canopy
Growth Rate: Medium ~13-24" per year
Negative Traits: Can be slow growing and does not tolerate drought
Urban Condition Tolerance: 
         -acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam, well-drained, wet and clay soils
         -some flooding
         -air and soil pollution
         -benefits soil quality and air quality
Value: Provides heavy shade in a small area and visual interest while reducing temperatures and improving soil quality
#overstory-tree #street-tree #fall-color #canopy-for-urban-heat-island

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